Thursday, October 28, 2010

The Ski and Snowboard Club

As I was checking my Facebook tonight I noticed someone posted an update saying there is a chance of snow showers tonight. To remind people that snow can be a recreational force of nature and not just a six month annoyance, I am writing about the Ski and Snowboard Club.

It doesn't take much to describe what this club does. They promote snow skiing and snowboarding, while having a safe and enjoyable time exploring ski resorts around the world, and by "around the world" they really mean around the U.S.

Sarah Kotila has been a member of the club since 2006. "It was the first thing I made sure to join when I got here".

Members are able to take advantage of discounted prices at Brandywine every Saturday with the club from 6-10pm. They also hold a Western Trip the first week of January to kick off the ski season. "The last two years we went to different places in Colorado. This year we are going to Park City Utah", said Kotila.

For those looking to get away, but not inclined to take a winter vacation, they also have a day trip over Presidents Day weekend to 7 Springs in Pennsylvania.

"I enjoy promoting a sport that I love, and being able to give people an opportunity to ski and snowboard places that they would normally not go to. We are open to people of all skill levels. For the 7 Springs trip we hold a drawing for the members that show up to the meeting to go on the trip for free", said Kotila.

Anyone interested interested in joining the club may attend their Pre-Western Trip meeting, Monday, November 1st, at 7:30pm in the Rec Center room 245, or you can email Sarah Kotila at

Image courtesy of Sarah Kotila

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for giving letting us know about there are fun distractions available to us. Winter is that bad if you know what to do.
