Wednesday, October 13, 2010


Have you ever wondered who those crazies are at all the soccer games at Lee. R Jackson soccer field, aka The Pouch? Well if you're new to Akron then you have an excuse if you are actually pondering that question. Everyone else knows them as the AK-ROWDIES, and they are just what their name implies, "Rowdies". Actually, it's an acronym for ROOthless, Obnoxious, Wild, Dedicated, Insane, Egotistical, Students.

Since ESPN is ranking our football team at the fourth worst team in the country, there hasn't been much to get "rowdy" about for them. However, with the Nations #1 soccer team they have been rowdier than ever.

The AK-ROWDIES are one of the largest student orgs at the university with nearly 2000 members. Their main purpose: "To cheer UA student-athletes to victory".

As you can see, this group is not for the casual fan goer. This group is for the die hard, can't miss a game, need to be there, going to skip my girlfriend's sister's wedding because I gotta see it live, fan group.

For those interested in joining they provide you with t-shirts, food, priority seating at sporting events, free road trips and more. You can check them out on Facebook.

1 comment:

  1. I just wish the football team deserved the stadium that they play in.
