Thursday, September 23, 2010

New Video Game Club

What's fun, intense, competitive, and the newest club at The University of Akron? If you guessed the "Video Game Club" you are correct! This new organization was the brainchild of Erik Kasminsky, who is promoting console and handheld video games with people all over campus. He has been developing the club since the beginning of the summer.

Their first recruitment event went well with over forty people showing up. Erik has the club open to all University of Akron students who are in good standing with the university.

With new games coming out this fall including: Halo: Reach, Guitar Hero: Warriors of Rock, Fifa 11, and Fallout: New Vegas, they club won't have a problem scheduling meeting times.

Nintendo 64, Sega Dreamcast, Xbox 360, and Playstation 3 are some of the systems they are currently featuring, which is a nice way to keep things fresh. This allows the club members to become educated with the different systems if they never played them before, without individually purchasing them. From novice to expert, the video game club has something for everyone.

The club is also connected with the Association of Computing Machinery and the Akron Anime Association.

Video games are no longer a nerdy thing. The club has members from many different major, and yes, there are girls. Men and women interested in joining can go to their Facebook Fan Page, or email Erik at


  1. Wow I didn't realize there was a gaming club at Akron. Thanks for the heads up and the embedded link to further my interest. If you are running out of ideas and need another club, there is a poetry club at Akron too. If is ran by Eric Wasserman, whom is a professor at the University. You can contact him for more information.

  2. Video game club is a great idea. I love playing online for the competetion, but I don't always enjoy the people on the other end.
