I walked into a classroom this past week and on the board was a note about the Anthropology Club. The teacher made a slick remark and proceeded to erase it. I'm not really into science, but I have taken a number of anthropology classes and find them rather interesting.
When I went to look up information about the club the only statement I could find was a really long sentence:
"The specific purpose of the Anthropology Club shall be to inform, educate, and raise awareness about the field of anthropology and its sub-disciplines on the campus of the University of Akron so that all students, faculty, administration, and staff will have a better understanding of this field, to provide a network of educational, social, and intellectual support to students interested in Anthropology at the University of Akron and to organize, promote, and carry out activities to raise funds for the special events and projects of the Anthropology Club and contributions to the Anthropology Department."
Anyhow, not much else I can tell you about on this club. No Facebook group or website. Just thought I'd let everyone know it still exists.