Sunday, November 14, 2010
Zips Recruiting Club
The University of Akron actually has a club that recruits students. I find this club to be a bit odd, but its existence is justifiable. If your wondering what they do, take a look...
"The purpose of this organization shall be to promote The University of Akron to future students through sponsored events by the Office of Admissions."
Setting the club aside for a moment. I want to know if this is a club anyone would join? I've been crazy bitter about the university lately. One faculty member in particular has not been in his office during his time, and is setting my work-flow back. I've had other teachers in the past who have just been dumb. With that said, I've also had fantastic teachers that make the most tedious classes exciting. So here is my question to you the reader. Would you join a club to promote our university? Would you promote it without the club? I used to tell everyone I know how great I thought Akron was. Now I'm telling people how I can't wait to get out of here! Fortunately, all my teachers this semester have been fair, and they all know what they're talking about.
If anyone would like to know more about this club check them out at the Office of Admissions.
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Geology Club
"The purpose of this club is for educational enlightenment in all phases of geology."
Although I was unable to track down anyone from the Geology club, if you are interested in the club you can visit the Geology department in Zook Hall, or check out the departments website.
Friday, November 12, 2010
The Guitar Club of Akron
"To provide nexus for aficionados of the guitar throughout the college community, to provide the wherewithal to bring prominent guest artists to campus for performances and master classes, to create an administrative body to coordinate campus and community appearances of the students, to foster and encourage appreciation of high quality guitar music throughout the community."
The reason I expect the Guitar Club is no longer a club is because it does not have a facebook page, but it has a Myspace page. Myspace being better venue for uploading music, so that makes sense for a Guitar club, but lets face it, the only people that still have a myspace are little girls and creepy men. Actually, myspace has recently been redesigned to focus on entertainment. So the little girls and creepy men might not be there anymore either.
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Ping Pong Club
Unfortunately, the Ping Pong Club does not exist at Akron, but in my humble opinion, it should! I had a tennis buddy that started a club at my high school, and there are always people playing it in the rec.
Table tennis, also known as ping-pong, is a sport in which two or four players hit a lightweight, hollow ball back and forth using table tennis rackets. The game takes place on a hard table divided by a net. Except for the initial serve, players must allow a ball played toward them only one bounce on their side of the table and must return it so that it bounces on the opposite side. Points are scored when a player fails to return the ball within the rules.
The Ping Pong Club could promote meeting new people while learning rules and techniques to the game. Hey! They could even do crazy ping pong tricks like these guys!
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Honors Club
As you have probably guessed already, today's club is about the Honors Club in the Honors College. The purpose of The Honors Club is to provide opportunities to form friendships, encourage a forum for group discussion of ideas and opinions, and discuss opportunities to serve both campus and community.
The Honors Club has regular activities every semester such as Akron Aeros game days, cookouts at local parks, participation in all-campus activities and much more. There are great opportunities to get involved, meet new people, see the area, or to take an active role and lead in the Honors Club.
For those interested in learning more about the Honors program applications are still being excepted until February 1st. Dues each year are $10. Forms to fill out to join the Honors Club are in the Honors Office.
Friday, November 5, 2010
College Billiard Tour Association
For anyone out there who doesn't completely suck at Billiards check out this club. The University Of Akron College Billiard Tour Association (C.B.T.A) was formed in 1996 with the intent of uniting billiards enthusiasts within the University of Akron. They meet every Wednesday night from 7-11 in the Barry Lefkowitz Billiards Parlor located in the University of Akron Student Union Gameroom. All skill levels are welcome to join. In addition to playing at the University of Akron they also compete in intercollegiate tournaments.
There is also a Barry Lefkowits Scholarship Billiards Tournament happening tomorrow from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. The winner will receive a $1000 scholarship.
Anyone interested in joining can request their Facebook page for more information or email the group at
Sunday, October 31, 2010
The Anthropology Club
I walked into a classroom this past week and on the board was a note about the Anthropology Club. The teacher made a slick remark and proceeded to erase it. I'm not really into science, but I have taken a number of anthropology classes and find them rather interesting.
When I went to look up information about the club the only statement I could find was a really long sentence:
"The specific purpose of the Anthropology Club shall be to inform, educate, and raise awareness about the field of anthropology and its sub-disciplines on the campus of the University of Akron so that all students, faculty, administration, and staff will have a better understanding of this field, to provide a network of educational, social, and intellectual support to students interested in Anthropology at the University of Akron and to organize, promote, and carry out activities to raise funds for the special events and projects of the Anthropology Club and contributions to the Anthropology Department."
Anyhow, not much else I can tell you about on this club. No Facebook group or website. Just thought I'd let everyone know it still exists.
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Video Game Club Update
My first club featured in my blog was about the new Video Game Club. Since then they have been working hard to become offically recognized by the university.
The club's president, Erik Kasminsky, sent out a note this morning: "I am reading my e-mail at 3:53 in the morning, The Akron Video Game Club is now an officially recognized group at the University of Akron. I thought I was dreaming for a second but it's true".
I stopped by their recruitment meeting last night. Needless to say it was an impressive site. A Student Union Ballroom was filled Four tv's and a projector to kept everyone doing something. With old Sega consoles, to brand new Xbox 360 and Nintendo Wii's.
If you are interested in joining the club you can get more information by emailing the club, or you can check out their Facebook and "like" them for updates.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
The Ski and Snowboard Club
As I was checking my Facebook tonight I noticed someone posted an update saying there is a chance of snow showers tonight. To remind people that snow can be a recreational force of nature and not just a six month annoyance, I am writing about the Ski and Snowboard Club.
It doesn't take much to describe what this club does. They promote snow skiing and snowboarding, while having a safe and enjoyable time exploring ski resorts around the world, and by "around the world" they really mean around the U.S.
Sarah Kotila has been a member of the club since 2006. "It was the first thing I made sure to join when I got here".
Members are able to take advantage of discounted prices at Brandywine every Saturday with the club from 6-10pm. They also hold a Western Trip the first week of January to kick off the ski season. "The last two years we went to different places in Colorado. This year we are going to Park City Utah", said Kotila.
For those looking to get away, but not inclined to take a winter vacation, they also have a day trip over Presidents Day weekend to 7 Springs in Pennsylvania.
"I enjoy promoting a sport that I love, and being able to give people an opportunity to ski and snowboard places that they would normally not go to. We are open to people of all skill levels. For the 7 Springs trip we hold a drawing for the members that show up to the meeting to go on the trip for free", said Kotila.
Anyone interested interested in joining the club may attend their Pre-Western Trip meeting, Monday, November 1st, at 7:30pm in the Rec Center room 245, or you can email Sarah Kotila at
Image courtesy of Sarah Kotila
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Well this group certainly seems "untoppable". E-Docs is a professional organization that brings together doctoral students, doctoral alumni, and faculty to engage in social and academic interactions beyond the walls of the classroom. Their hopes are for such interaction to create collegial friendships and opportunities to learn and grow from each other.
In basic terms, it's a support group for people working on their doctorate. I have no plans to earn a doctorate, nor do I want them, but I'm sure those who are working on theirs need all the support they can get.
If you are interested in the group they have three prerequisites for eligibility:
1. Graduate students enrolled in a doctoral program in the College of Education at UA
2. Alumni who have received their doctorate from the COE of the University of Akron
3. Faculty or administrators who hold rank in the College of Education at UA
Voting Members: Currently enrolled in doctoral studies, who have completed at least 3-hours of graduate studies and are in good standing with a GPA of 3.0 or higher.
Non-voting members: Faculty, administrators, alumni, or doctoral students who have not completed 3- hours of graduate studies or have a GPA below 3.0.
For more information go to the Officers page for a list of contacts.
Friday, October 22, 2010
Up 'til Dawn
I'm sure by now that you have seen events and promotions for Up 'til Dawn. Until this year I just thought that was a group that held "lock-ins" or something that made people stay up all night for the fun of it. Boy was I wrong.
Up 'til Dawn is a student-led, student-run, philanthropic program hosted by colleges and universities nationwide to raise funds for St. Jude Children's Research Hospital.
I spoke with Samantha Walker, who is on the PR/Marketing Chair for Up 'til Dawn. "Any students can be involved within the Executive Board. The teams can be any students as well. Usually other student orgs will create a team, a teams is compose of no more than 6 people, and once they have registered and payed their $5 they are with Up 'til Dawn. With that being said we would love to have as many teams as possible, just to keep in mind there can only be six members and usually one person serves as a team captain. What happens most of the time is that many student orgs have more than one team."
To raise money they hold fundraisers. They recently gave out Applebees flyers for 15% of the order to benefit St. Jude. November 9th they are holding an All Teams Meeting where all of the teams come to the Student Union Ballroom to write out letters to friends and family to help raise money.
Samantha told me about what she enjoys most about being involved. "My favorite part is just helping the kids. This sounds corny but just knowing that I have made some sort of significance in their lives is awesome. I'm Early Childhood Ed, I wanted to do pediatrics but when I volunteered at Akron Children's I could not handle kids dying, so this way I'm still trying to make a difference."
If you would like to get involved you can contact Samantha Walker at
Thursday, October 21, 2010
ZTV - Goofing Off
If you haven't "tooned" (tuned) into the university's TV station don't worry. Goofing Off is here to save you. The new program was started in the spring semester of 2010 strictly as an online program. They are still in an experimental phase, so they are currently using facebook before they branch off onto their own website.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Equestrian Team
Giddy up for the University of Akron's Equestrian team! The university has both an English Team, and a Western Team.
The Western Team was formed in 2006 and rides out of Greenwich Hill Farm in Wadsworth, OH and is coached by Chris Cook. The team competes in regional shows around the area. The main areas of focus include Western Horsemanship and Reining.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Greek Week
Given that this week is "Greek Week", I am taking some time to recognize all of the Greek organizations on campus. Greek Week is a week dedicated to all of the fraternities and sororities on campus with events and fundraisers for local charities. Greek Week is the one week out of the year for everyone involved in the Greek community to show their pride for their individual chapters.
Since ESPN is ranking our football team at the fourth worst team in the country, there hasn't been much to get "rowdy" about for them. However, with the Nations #1 soccer team they have been rowdier than ever.
The AK-ROWDIES are one of the largest student orgs at the university with nearly 2000 members. Their main purpose: "To cheer UA student-athletes to victory".
As you can see, this group is not for the casual fan goer. This group is for the die hard, can't miss a game, need to be there, going to skip my girlfriend's sister's wedding because I gotta see it live, fan group.
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Akron Badminton and Tennis Club
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Amateur Radio Club
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Student Art League
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Ice Hockey Club
So everyone knows we have a football team, a baseball team, and a softball team, oh and don't forget about that little soccer team we have too. But who knew we had an Ice Hockey team?
Thursday, September 30, 2010
New Improv Group: On In Five
This group holds a special place in my heart because I am a member of this group. It is exciting to be apart of such a new group that is unlike anything else we have here at the university. I always tell people, "We aim for comedy", so you'll probably have a good time when you see us.
It's a great show to come see. Every night is something different. We always have different suggestions, different performers, and different venues. You can show up one night, and have a completely different experience the next. We like to keep things fresh for the audience members, and always want to leave them wanting more.
Anyone who is new to improv comedy might want to check out the show, "Who's Line is it Anyway?" On In Five performs some similar appetizer of short-form improv games, and serves up a main course of long-form improv.
If you would like to come out and watch the group in a live performance, their show dates are:
Thursday September 30th 7:00PM Ballroom E in the Student Union
Friday October 29th 7:00PM Ballroom C in the Student Union
Thursday November 18 7:00PM Ballroom B in the Student Union
Wednesday December 8 7:00PM BallroomC in the Student Union
We do not yet have a website up, but one is on the way. We are excepting new members to practice with us and no experience is necessary, but a willingness to perform is a must. If you are interested in joining the group you can contact me, Ben Lolli at
Sunday, September 26, 2010
2380 Film Club
They are a relatively young group going into their 7th year at the university, but the group already has created a storied history. In 2006 and 2007, they hosted the Akron Film Festival at the Student Union Theater. They are also working on their 6th feature film.
Here is a trailer of their most recent completed film, Myra.
If you are just interested in seeing the final product then make sure to show up to their annual film festival this March 4, 5, 6, 2011.
Club president Ben Sliwa said, "We have already started working on that. The theme is 'bringing hollywood to akron'. One night there is gonna be a survivor horror night and entertainment, its gonna be great."
The group meets every Monday at 4:30 in Kolbe Hall room 111. Anyone is welcome to attend and no previous film experience is required. They are always looking for writers, actors, directors, production assistants, videographers, and web designers. For those who want to put their creative skills to the test, show up to their Monday meetings. Dues are $30 for the year, and you will become a full voting member. Monday Oct. 4th they will be voting for this years feature length film.
"We are trying to expand substatially this year, so the more people who know about us and want to join the better," said Swila.
For more information you can check out their UA organization page here, or go to this years feature film production's Facebook page. You can also email Ben Sliwa at
Lights, camera, action!